Valley Kids Ministry Application: ELEMENTARY

Please fill out this form and click submit. Thank you!

Thank you for your interest in loving and protecting, teaching and supporting, praying for, and revealing Christ to every child in our midst!

Please fill out this helpful questionnaire. I will review it and get back to you within a week to discuss the next steps, which include a background check and training.

Please note: Valley Covenant Membership is required for every adult volunteer.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Curtis Roth, 
Associate Pastor - Children & Families or 612-865-2307


Volunteer Position Descriptions
You will be supported with initial and periodic training as needed!
Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11 (during worship service)
Serve approximately twice per month
Lead K-2nd graders through a Jesus-focused Bible lesson (curriculum provided)
Valley Covenant Membership required

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11 (during worship service)
Serve approximately twice per month
Lead 3rd-5th graders through a discussion based Bible study on theme with the adult message (curriculum provided)
Valley Covenant Membership required

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11 (during worship service)
Serve approximately one time per month
Oversee and prayerfully interact with children K-5th grade
Assist the teacher as needed
Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11 (during worship service)
Be willing to step in as last-minute substitute if available
Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00
Serve approximately one time per month
One-on-one companion for Emma Watczak
Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers
Wednesday Nights - JESUS

Wednesday nights, 6:15-7:45
Serve for one to three quarters (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Assist leader & facilitate small group discussion, prayer & activities (provided)
Valley Covenant Membership required
Please select all that apply.
Personal Information
Volunteer Ministry History

This portion is to be completed for any position involving the supervision of minors. It will be used to help Valley select the best candidate, and to help ensure a safe and secure environment for those children and youth who participate in our programs and use our facilities.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Volunteer Church History
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit. Thank you!